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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Guilmon to Dukemon(Gallantmon)[ギルモン進化デュークモン]-Digimon Toy Action Figure Review(Transformation)

Happy New Year! Today is the first day of 2015.

And I would like to show you the digivolving figure of Guilmon.

This is 03 Digimon Tamar toy figure. It is the main character in the animation.

Let's check out this awesome Bandai figure NOW!

↓↓Click it for detailed information. Enjoy yourself!

Digivolving Video:

Degenerating Video:

Warp Digivolving in Photo:
1. The outlook before digivolving. You need get off his weapon and shield first. 2. Shorten his legs.

3. Flip out the yellow toe and hide the red toe under his feet. 4. Extend his foot and his body.

5. Rotate his foot 180°. 6. Entend his thigh. And lift up Guilmon's claw.

7. Change the position of Guilmon's claw and should armor.(Turn that part 180°) 8. Make the 4 small piece on the armor pont outward with gold side.(Turn them part 180°)

9. Put on the should armor. And then open his chest. 10. Lift up his long hair tail. And turn his head.

11. Just like this. 12. Take off Guilmon's face and hide his head in the chest.

13. Pull the hair tail straight and close his chest. 14. Take the cloak from the shield.

15. Pull the cloak. 16. Put it on Dukemon's back.

17. At last, put on the weapon and shield. 18. FINISHED!


Outlook of Guilmon. He may stand on the shield as a base. And the lance acts as his tail.

Pure outlook without weapon.

This is Dukemon! And you may called him Gallantmon.

The back.

Catch up with weapon.

Close up of his great face. And Royal Shinny!

The approval form Bandai's product.(At the inner part of Dukemon's shield)

Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!

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