In the past 2 months, I put my most effort on this robot.
It is Robi, a robot from Japan. Someone may see it before.
I named it as Nana, a girl type robot.
I am planning on acting a small story of this robot.
This is the start of the episode. #01-Nana's First Show.
If you want to see her soon, remember to share the video to your friends.
More likes, I update soon.@_<
Want to know more? Check it out now!
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Little Robot Little Talk Show:
Otherthan video, here are some photos too.

This is the original outlook.

Her eyes' light is off.

And then I put sticker on her cheeks.

And yellow eyes' light.

How she sits well.

Different colour of her eyes show different feeling.
The pale purple one shows a soft and gentle feeling.

And the close up.

Under strong light shadowing.

These are the snapshots during the video. Could you recognize which statement she is talking?
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
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