July of 2014, the month of the newly launched Digimon figures, Imperialdramon.
After the resell of Omegamon and the sale of Metalgarurumon, the next digimon is Imperialdramon.
But this time is a little bit different. D-Arts series nolonger available. It is combined into SHF series.
SHF is the series of human type model by Bandai. So, let see what will be the outcome of this new series model.
↓↓Click it for detailed information. Enjoy yourself!
Unboxing Video:
Assemble of Acessaries Video:
Movability Video:

First of all, let's review from the most outside, the brown transportation box.
The name is printed on the box to recognise the contents.

The art of the box is really great picture!! It is awesome and pretty!

And the main character of my today review.

This time, the stand is not pack into the plastic box package, but pack by plastic bag. And the intruction manuel

After assemble of his wing and tail.

Imperialdramon wings can open further wider.

Closer look of Imperialdramon.

Open his chest and ready for two chest cannon.

First type cannon.

Canon on his hand may also become his chest cannon

With the other buddies.

Two best match!

The Bandai's marking on the foot.
...More coming soon (if there are someone interest).
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
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