Recently, I got some whole new box items.
This time, it is D-Power version 3(Hong Kong) Gallantmon(red) colour.
If you well known about digivice. You will know that version 3 have some design failure.
Most of the version3 will hang out when defeat the final boss.
I don't know this one can work probably or not. I just collect back some awesome digimon item.^^
Let's see further picture of this item.
↓↓Click it for detailed information. Enjoy yourself!
Unboxing Video:

Whole new box digivice. And the instruction sheet. Front and rear.

The top of the box. Promoting Digimon Card Game.

Deluxe Playset and Digivolving Figures.

The side is D-Real series and the back is the digivices.
Now, let's open it.

There are some number. Don't know what this mean.

Great Gallantmon Digivice!!!

Comparing with my Impmon version.

And the game card.
And then let's compare the box in 2002 and 2010.

The right hand side is Neo digivice launched in 2010.

After 8 years, their size and shape are still the same.

Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy!
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